Full text of PM's address to the nation
Time:2024-07-18 12:54


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addressed the nation on Wednesday evening. 

The full text of her speech is given below:

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim 

Dear countrymen,

Assalamu Alaikum. On this holy day of the Hijri 61, Hazrat Imam Hussain, the son-in-law of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and his family members embraced martyrdom on the grounds of Karbala on the banks of the river Euphrates. I am paying profound tributes to them.

On August 15, 1975, another Karbala was created on the soil of Bengal with the assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with his family members. I am paying profound tributes to those who were martyred. I pay tributes to the 3 million martyrs and 200,000 repressed mothers and sisters in the War of Liberation in 1971.

Dear countrymen,

Today, I appear before you with a very heavy heart. We are working tirelessly for the economic and social development of the people of independent Bangladesh obtained in exchange for the blood of hundreds of thousands of martyrs. We have been able to change the fate of the people of Bangladesh in the last 15 years.

We started the journey of providing a better life to the people by ensuring education, knowledge, use of science and technology, and fulfilling the basic needs of people by ensuring food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education.

We have also achieved many successes. We have been able to take Bangladesh to a dignified position on the global stage. Even after that, we have a long way to go. When the people of Bangladesh return to a bit of peace and comfort, sometimes something happens that is very painful.

In 2018, in view of the student movement, the government issued a circular scrapping the quota system in government jobs. Subsequently, the High Court cancelled the 2018 government circular to reinstate quotas in favour of freedom fighters.

The government appealed to the apex court to uphold the circular and the honourable court fixed a date for a hearing. Meanwhile, the students again started a movement with the demand for quota reform. The government has shown enough patience and tolerance since the beginning of this movement.

Moreover, police cooperated to ensure the safety of protestors. When the protestors expressed their wish to submit a memorandum to the president, they were given the opportunity and security arrangements were ensured.

It is a matter of sorrow that some vested quarters started making different kinds of statements and engaged in terrorist activities to gain their ambitious intentions centring on this movement. As the matter has been brought before the top court, I call upon all to keep patience.

It is a matter of great regret that some quarters took the opportunity of this movement to get involved in terrorist acts aiming to fulfil their unexpected high ambitions. As a result, all the incidents centred on the movement of these young students were very painful and sad.

How many precious lives were lost unnecessarily? Who knows more than me the pain of losing your loved ones?

I have sought eternal peace for the souls of those who died and expressed my deepest condolence to their family members. I condemn every killing. All the incidents that happened were never expected.

In Chittagong, terrorists brutally threw students from the roof of a multi-storey building to kill them and cut the tendons of many students. Many were hit with sticks and sharp weapons, while one died and many have been fighting for their lives. The residences of the vice chancellors and dorms of Dhaka, Rangpur and Rajshahi universities were set on fire and vandalized.

Passersby and shopkeepers were attacked. Patient-carrying ambulances were stopped. Attacks were carried out in the halls of female students and they were assaulted. The provosts of residential halls were intimidated and attacked. In a desperate move, attacks were launched on teachers.

I do believe these terrorists had no connections with those involved in the quota reform movement. Rather, terrorists entered them and created a situation of conflict and anarchy. Those involved in such incidents will be brought to justice after identifying them.

I will provide the necessary support for the livelihood of the families of the victims who were killed.

I unequivocally declare that those who launched killing, looting and terrorist activities, whoever they are, will be punished accordingly.

I further declare that a judicial inquiry will be conducted in the interest of fair trial and justice in all the unexpected incidents including the murders.

An investigation will be conducted to find out whose instigation flared the conflict and who for what purpose pushed the country towards anarchy.

I am very concerned about the safety of the protesting tender-age students. These terrorists can harm them by creating an atmosphere of conflict at any time. So I would appeal to the parents, guardians and teachers of the students to be vigilant about the safety of their children. At the same time, keep special vigilance on the safety of the students of all educational institutions.

The government appealed to the apex court against the High Court verdict. A hearing date has been fixed in the Appellate Division. The court has created an opportunity to hear the students. There is an opportunity to resolve the issue through this legal process.

Despite the opportunity to resolve this legal process, do not allow the perpetrators to resort to conflict taking to the streets. I specially request everyone to wait with patience till the apex court verdict is delivered. I do believe our students will get justice from the higher court, they will not be disappointed.

InshaAllah, we will turn our beloved motherland into a smart Bangladesh with the cooperation of all with the spirit of Liberation War.

I once again express my deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the unfortunate incidents and convey my sympathy to the families.

Khoda Hafez.

Joy Bangla, Joy Bangabandhu.

May Bangladesh live forever.


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