Over 200,000 stranded as Moulvibazar rivers flowing above danger level
Time:2024-06-20 13:11


Six of the seven upazilas in Moulvibazar have been inundated due to the incessant rains and onrush of water from upstream, leaving nearly two lakh people stranded.

All the rivers in the district have been flowing above the danger level, flooding 432 villages of 37 unions of Moulvibazar Sadar, Rajnagar, Kulaura, Juri, Baralekha and Srimangal upazilas of the district.

Due to this, over 200,000 people in those areas have been stranded. 

Most of the rural roads in the flood-affected areas are submerged and many parts of regional roads also went under water. 

Houses and educational institutions are also flooded. Many were seen throwing sandbags on the embankment voluntarily to protect their homes.

Moulvibazar Water Development Board reported that the water of the Manu River was 21cm above the danger level in the Chandnighat area of the city, the Kushiara River was 18cm above the danger level at Sherpur point, the Dhalai River was 5cm above the danger level and Juri River was 202cm above the danger level.

Urmi Binte Salam, deputy commissioner of Moulavibazar district, said that 432 villages of six upazilas of the district were flooded due to constant rains for the past few days.

A total of 98 shelters have been prepared to accommodate the people. So far 571 families at risk have moved to these shelters, she added.

Meanwhile, continuous heavy rainfall over the past few days has left Sylhet district flooded as well, with more than 800,000 people stranded.

"Around 825,256 people are stranded in 106 unions of the district," Sylhet district administration sources said on Wednesday afternoon.


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