Benazir skips ACC quizzing again
Time:2024-06-23 13:48


The former police officer was scheduled to appear before the ACC's investigation committee at 10:00am today regarding the allegations of amassing wealth beyond known sources of income.

As of 11:00am, he did not show up at the ACC headquarters.

Several ACC officials reported that Benazir did not submit any new request seeking more time.

ACC lawyer Khurshid Alam Khan told The Daily Star that the investigation into the allegations of accumulating wealth beyond known sources of income against Benazir and his family members is ongoing.

Evidence of illicit wealth has also been found against him, he said.

Benazir and his family members missed ACC appointments on June 6 and 9. The ACC then rescheduled the dates to June 23 and June 24.

Previously, he requested time to appear before the ACC once, but the ACC laws and regulations do not clearly specify provisions over the second extension.

If he fails to appear, it will be assumed that he has no statement to provide, ACC Chairman Moinuddin Abdullah said earlier.

However, Benazir and his family members reportedly left the country in early May.

The ACC on April 18 launched an inquiry into allegations that Benazir amassed huge wealth when he was the police chief.


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