Quota movement: Clash reported at DU’s Ruqayyah Hall
Time:2024-07-17 12:07


A clash has been reported inside Ruqayyah Hall of Dhaka University.

Anti-Chhatra League slogans were heard from the outside of the hall at Tuesday midnight, according to witnesses.

A team of proctorial body led by Dhaka University Proctor Maksudur Rahman rushed to the spot.

Proctor Maksudur Rahman told Dhaka Tribune: "The general students launched an attack on 11 Chhatra League leaders. Of them, 10 have been rescued and now safe. Attempts are being made to rescue another girl who is still inside."

At least six people were killed in Dhaka, Chittagong and Rangpur and several hundred sustained injuries on Tuesday as the police and Chhatra League members confronted the quota reform activists for the second day.


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