New BOC office to help promote sports
Time:2023-03-31 15:04


His Royal Highness Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck, President of the Bhutan Olympic Committee (BOC), and the Director General of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), Dr Husain AHZ Almusallam inaugurated Olympasia House, the new BOC office, in Thimphu yesterday.

The office is one of the five Olympasia Projects in Bhutan supported by the OCA. The OCA funded USD 600,000 and the BOC spent USD 200,000.

The three-storied building has around 20 rooms consisting of a meeting hall, offices for the secretary general, finance, sports research division, infrastructure division, and media among others.

The old BOC office located at the Changlimithang Stadium will be refurbished and used as national training centres to assist athletes, officials said.

Officials said the new office would help improve sports research activities and provide efficient services for the stakeholders and athletes.

Dr Husain AHZ Almusallam said OCA would support Bhutan so that athletes could play a standard game during international competitions.

BOC’s Secretary General Sonam Karma Tshering said the new office symbolises a new phase of growth and collaboration under the leadership of BOC’s president.

He said the office would serve as a home for sports in Bhutan and unite all towards achieving the common vision of promoting sports.


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