Valley police plan festive-focused security
Time:2024-09-25 10:49


SATV Sept. 25: As Dashain, Tihar, and Chhath festivals approach, security measures in the Kathmandu Valley are being tightened. 

Every year, millions of people leave the valley and return to their ancestral homes, leading to increased incidents of ticket scams, trading of goods in black market, theft, and robbery. 

These criminal activities tend to spike during the festive season, particularly in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Lalitpur.

In response, the police are devising security plans and deploying personnel to control criminal activities during the festivals. 

Kathmandu District Police Range alone is preparing to deploy around 5,000 officers, focusing on preventing possible crimes by analysing past incidents. 

Superintendent of Police (SP) and Spokesperson for the Police Range Nabaraj Adhikari said, “We are modifying past plans and devising new ones." He said the security plan would be implemented from next week. 

In Kathmandu, the security deployment will involve 14 police circles, each commanded by a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), and around 5,000 officers. 

Bhaktapur Police are also formulating security plans to prevent theft, robbery, and gambling during the festive season. 

DSP Mohan Mani Adhikari for the Bhaktapur District Police Range said, "We are preparing revised plans based on the analysis of last year's plans and incidents."

Lalitpur Police are planning to deploy officers at 183 locations throughout the district during Dashain, Tihar, and Chhath. 

Superintendent of Police (SP) Naresh Subedi, who is also the Spokesperson for the Lalitpur District Police Range, said that they will deploy over 3,000 personnel every 24 hours. He said, “We will implement security plans beyond regular policing to control potential crimes."

Incidents of burglary often increase when people leave their homes and rented facilities in the valley to travel. 

During Dashain, there is increased movement of VIPs visiting different shrines of goddess Durga. Lalitpur Police are devising security plans to manage their movement in an organised manner.

Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Binod Ghimire for the Kathmandu Valley Police Office, Ranipokhari, said that security plans are being made to prevent such incidents, incorporating feedback from past experiences. He said, “We are preparing security plans based on feedback from the past and most probably, from next week, we will implement it.”

The Metropolitan Police Office has also asked its district offices to identify additional security needs during the festive season. 

SSP Ghimire said that they are preparing to deploy 10,000 to 12,000 security personnel across the valley during the festivals.

Two dozen help desks in Valley 

Kathmandu Police will increase patrolling to ensure security and prevent black market activities during Dashain and Tihar. Plainclothes officers will also patrol buses leaving the valley, carrying weapons as part of the security plan.

To control ticket scams and resolve travel issues, around two dozen help desks will be set up in different locations in Kathmandu. 

Local level police will be stationed in these help desks to assist traffic policemen.

Additionally, Acting Inspector General of Police Tek Prasad Rai has directed the implementation of special security plans targeting the festive season. 

During a virtual meeting with the heads of all seven provincial police offices on Tuesday, Rai stressed the need for effective security measures to prevent criminal activities. 

He emphasised the importance of collecting and analyzing information about such activities to ensure effective police deployment.

Rai also called for coordinated efforts with concerned stakeholders to reduce road accidents during the festivals and to run awareness programmes focused on festival safety. 

The programme was attended by Additional Inspector General of Police Ramdutta Joshi, who also provided guidance on crime control and effective security management to the provincial police chiefs.


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