Gorkha's northern border was opened
Time:2024-08-23 13:25


Two checkpoints in North Gorkha, which were closed during the Covid epidemic, have been opened. Chumanuvri Rural Municipality-7 Chekampar Nguila Naka and Ward No. 1 Ruila Naka have been opened for a short time, said Nima Lama, Chairman of the Rural Municipality.

"It has been officially informed that both checkpoints have been opened, Nguila checkpoint will be opened on Tuesday and Ruila checkpoint will be opened from Wednesday," he said. The checkpoint, which was closed due to the covid epidemic, is about to open after 5 years.

He said that he got the information about the opening of the checkpoint through the people's representative of the border area. "The village municipality was also repeatedly taking initiatives to open the border, now the border has been opened for a short time," he said. People's representatives from the Chinese side near the border telephoned Tasi Dorje Lama, the ward president of Ward No. 7, on Monday and informed him that the border crossing would be opened. "There has been information that the checkpoint will be open for a month from August 4," said Lama, the ward president. Before covid, Nguila crossing was open every twelve months.

People's representatives from both sides had a discussion about the opening of the border last May. Now the Chinese side has asked to come only to Sya village . "So far, they have only asked me to bring a horse," Tasi said. Earlier, the local residents of this area were transporting consumer goods from the Chinese market through yaks and chaunri. It has not been opened for yak and chauri. He also said that the news was conveyed to the village through the people's representative and Katuwal after the information about the opening of the border crossing was received.

"We have asked to go with both Nepali citizenship and border pass," he said, "After the information about the opening of the border crossing, we told everyone in the village." With the opening of the border, the locals are happy that it will be easier to transport consumer goods. With the start of the covid epidemic, the Chinese government unilaterally closed the border in the northern region from December 2076.

Chief District Officer Bhola Dahal said that it was informed that the Nguila naka towards Chhekampar will be opened for one month from Tuesday and the Ruila naka towards Samdo will be opened for 15 days from Wednesday. "No formal letter has come, information has come that the border will be opened through the local people's representative," he said.

When the border was not opened, the local people here used to pay three times the cost of transportation and bring consumables from the markets of Arughat, Arkhet and other markets in the lower areas of Gorkha to the village. It takes three to four days to deliver consumables from Gorkha's lower market through Khachhad. They say that if the distance to bring consumables from the local Tibetan market is reduced, the transportation price will decrease . After getting the information about the opening of the border, the locals of this region are preparing to go to the market in Tibet for the transportation of consumer goods.


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