PM Oli wins vote of confidence with two-thirds majority
Time:2024-07-22 13:52


July 22: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has secured a vote of confidence during a session of the House of Representatives on Sunday. Out of a total of 263 votes cast, Prime Minister Oli garnered 188 votes, which constitutes a two-thirds majority in the 275-member House. 

The vote saw 74 members of parliament opposing Prime Minister Oli, while one MP stayed neutral. Prime Minister Oli, who also serves as the chairman of CPN-UML, assumed office on July 14 with the backing of the Nepali Congress.

Earlier, addressing the House of Representatives, Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli articulated a comprehensive vision aimed at revitalising Nepal's economy, reinforcing governance structures, and fostering national unity. Emphasising the solemn sacrifices of Nepal's heroes and martyrs, Prime Minister Oli underscored the need for collective action to steer the nation towards prosperity and resilience.

"I acknowledge the profound impact of recent natural disasters and extend heartfelt condolences to those affected. Our government remains steadfast in our commitment to relief and rehabilitation efforts. Addressing inherited economic challenges, such as stagnant growth and revenue shortfalls, is paramount and demands immediate attention," said PM Oli.

"Today, I stand at a pivotal juncture in our nation's history," said PM Oli, outlining his government's commitment to accelerate projects of national importance and ensure their timely completion through rigorous oversight and accountability measures. He stressed the importance of restoring public trust in governmental efficacy and fostering an environment conducive to business growth and investment.

Turning to economic priorities, the Prime Minister outlined strategies to reduce Nepal's dependence on imports by promoting domestic industries that utilize the nation's natural resources effectively. "We must thrive, not just exist," he said, underscoring the government's commitment to enhancing local industries, attracting investments, and generating sustainable employment opportunities.

"I am committed to rooting out malpractice and ensuring transparency across all sectors," said PM Oli. "Upholding the rule of law and restoring public confidence in governmental institutions is pivotal to achieving our sustainable development goals," added PM Oli.

In addition to economic reforms, the Prime Minister pledged improvements in public service delivery, including streamlined bureaucratic processes and enhanced digital services aimed at improving accessibility and efficiency for all Nepalis. He outlined plans for a robust foreign policy focused on economic diplomacy, regional cooperation, and leveraging Nepal's strategic location for mutual benefit.

"As Prime Minister, I call upon all citizens to unite in building a prosperous and resilient Nepal. I have full confidence in our nation's ability to overcome challenges, harness our potential, and pave the way for a brighter future. Together, we will achieve inclusive growth and uphold dignity for all Nepalis," said PM Oli.

Similarly, addressing the House of Representatives, President of the Nepali Congress and former prime minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, commended Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli's proposal to seek a vote of confidence. 

"The expectations of the common Nepali people are clear, they desire a stable government, rapid economic development, creation of jobs, and speedy construction of physical infrastructure. As we move forward in achieving these goals, today's disappointment will give way to hope. I firmly believe that the present government will swiftly progress in this direction, fostering hope and trust among the people. Building a stable and strong government is paramount for the country's development. Observing the current composition of parliament, the collaboration between the first and second largest parties has formed a government aimed at providing stability," said Deuba.

"As we mark eight years since the constitution's inception, it is essential for democracy to evolve through thoughtful amendments. Strengthening our federal democratic system and fostering inclusivity are crucial. Collaboration among all political parties is pivotal in achieving consensus, as exemplified by the recent agreement leading to the appointment of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli," added Deuba.

Deuba reaffirmed Nepali Congress's unwavering commitment to uphold the seven-point agreement forged with CPN (UML) on July 1. "I am confident in CPN-UML's steadfastness on this accord. Consequently, Nepali Congress will support the Prime Minister's vote of confidence, and I urge all other parties to do the same" said Deuba.

Nepal Communist Party (Unified Socialist) Chairman Madhav Kumar Nepal underscored the imperative for political parties to unite in bolstering democracy during today's House of Representatives session. His party did not endorse the vote of confidence to PM Oli.

"I firmly believe that democracy offers no viable alternative and must be continuously enhanced through progressive system and conduct," said Nepal. "Robust institutions are indispensable for our national strength, requiring collective efforts to ensure the benefits of the republic reach every citizen effectively. Constitutional amendments are crucial, necessitating inclusive discussions among political forces, intellectuals, civil society, and stakeholders for our nation's greater good. It is imperative for the government to prioritize national progress, good governance, economic prosperity, and effective disaster response," he added.

Likewise, Rajendra Prasad Lingden, chairman and MP of Rastriya Prajatantra Party, affirmed his support for proportional and inclusive principles, stating he would not oppose them. Lingden blamed major parties for political instability, stressing their negligence of inclusive representation. He indicated that recent constitutional issues lacked his agreement, emphasising the need for a new approach to tackle the country's challenges. Lingden informed the parliament that his party would not vote in favour of Prime Minister Oli's confidence motion.

Rabi Lamichhane, chairman of the Rastriya Swatantra Party, called for a thorough investigation into past corruption cases by the government. He urged for the formation of a robust commission to probe 25 different scandals within two months of budget passage. Lamichhane expressed scepticism about the fairness of investigations into corruption cases, citing past incidents of awards given instead of justice. 

Lamichhane defended Deputy Speaker Indira Rana Magar against unsubstantiated accusations of human trafficking, criticizing the House for becoming a platform for baseless allegations. 

Lamichhane announced his party's opposition to the confidence vote and questioned the government's commitment to impartial investigations, asserting the Rastriya Swatantra Party's role as a vigilant opposition.

Likewise, outgoing Finance Minister and Deputy General Secretary of Nepal Communist Party (Maoist Centre), Barsaman Pun, criticised the Nepali Congress and CPN-UML coalition for maliciously raising the issue of constitutional amendment. 

Pun expressed scepticism towards the timing of the amendment, suggesting it might conceal scandals. He accused the government of distorting economic statistics to paint a bleak picture, despite positive indicators like current account surplus and stable inflation. Pun questioned the government's priorities, citing excessive spending on unproductive projects like view towers and urged adherence to productive budget allocations. 

He reiterated the Maoist Centre's lack of confidence in the new government's leadership, citing constitutional missteps and opaque alliances, and thus declared their decision not to support Prime Minister Oli's vote of confidence.


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