Newly appointed Prime Minister Oli taking oath of office today
Time:2024-07-15 11:35


Kathmandu, July 15 : Newly appointed Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli is taking oath of office and secrecy today.    

Prime Minister Oli is scheduled to take the oath of office and secrecy before President Ramchandra Paudel at a special ceremony to be held at Sheetal Niwas at 11:00 am today. Following the oath taking ceremony, Prime Minister Oli is likely to expand his Council of Ministers and administer the oath of office and secrecy to the newly appointed ministers.    

President Paudel on Sunday late afternoon appointed UML Chair Oli as the new Prime Minister with the support of Nepali Congress and CPN-UML, in accordance with Article 76(2) of the

Constitution. He had given until 5:00 pm on Sunday for two or more parties in the House of Representatives to stake their claim for the post of the Prime Minister.


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