Shapuree Dwip residents spend another sleepless night amid Myanmar firing
Time:2024-06-13 13:26


The residents of Shapuree Dwip spent another sleepless night as heavy fighting between Myanmar's government forces and the Arakan Army continued in Rakhine.

The people of Shapuree Dwip, located in Teknaf upazila of Cox's Bazar, reported that the firing began on Wednesday evening and lasted until the early hours of Thursday.

Abdus, a UP member of Shapuree Dwip, said that the sound of gunfire kept the residents awake all night in fear. Many of the island’s residents even flocked to the roads after 12am on Thursday.

While the sound of gunfire was heard, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the incident, he added.

Shahin Alam, a resident of the island, said: "I came out of the house after hearing the sound of gunfire. There is so much noise that I cannot sleep. It is quite scary.”

In this regard, Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB-2) Commander Lt Col Mohiuddin Ahmed said: "We are in a cautious position to prevent Rohingya infiltration as well as strengthening the BGB patrol along the border.”

For about a week, gunfire from Myanmar has been targeting Bangladeshi boats, isolating Saint Martin’s Island in Cox's Bazar. 

No ships have been able to travel between Teknaf and Saint Martin’s, leaving the island's 10,000 residents in a crisis of food and daily necessities.

There have been at least three incidents of gunfire during this period. 

Shots were fired from the Myanmar border at election officials returning from Teknaf Upazila Parishad polling on June 5 and at a trawler carrying bricks, sand, and foodstuffs to Saint Martin’s on June 8. 


Disclaimer: This article comes from South Asia Network TV Sico International Online's self-media, does not represent Sico International Online's South Asia Network TVViews and positions.。

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