Govt raises fuel prices
Time:2024-05-31 13:05


The government has increased the prices of diesel, kerosene, petrol and octane in line with the international market due to devaluation of taka against US dollar.

The prices of diesel and kerosene have increased by Tk0.75 per litre while petrol and octane by Tk2.50 at the consumer level.

The adjusted prices will come into effect on Saturday, said a notice issued by Mir Mohammad Aslam Uddin, deputy chief information officer of the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, on Thursday night.

Since March, the government has been announcing adjusted fuel prices every month.

As per the notice, the new price of diesel and kerosene will be Tk107.75 per litre while petrol will be sold at Tk127 and octane at Tk131.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Division explained that although the prices of petroleum decreased in the global market, the devaluation of the taka against the US dollar has caused an increase in fuel prices locally.


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