Seven injured in collision between two speedboats
Time:2024-06-05 12:56


Seven people were injured following a collision between two speedboats near Hulhumale’ channel on Tuesday night.

Marine Police, in a social media post, said officers attended to the scene of a collision between two speedboats near Hulhumale’ channel, which was reported to the authority at approximately 23:00pm on Tuesday night.

Seven people were injured in the accident and were brought to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) for treatment, they added.

The case is under further investigation by the Marine Investigation Department.

Tuesday’s accident comes following the death of man on Saturday morning after he was hit by a speedboat as he was fishing for groupers off the coast of ADh. Dhangethi.

Another collision between two speedboats was reported in February this year. 13 people were injured in the collision that took place near Vilimale’. 


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