GM Quader: Don’t want to see any more bloodshed in Palestine
Time:2023-10-17 12:36

Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quader. Photo: Collected

Jatiya Party (JaPa) Chairman Ghulam Muhammed Quader on Monday expressed deep concern and anger over the escalation of the Palestine and Israel war.

In a statement on Monday, the Jatiya Party leader drew the attention of world leaders to terminate the war and requested them to send necessary food, medicine and essential commodities to Palestine through the UN immediately.

GM Quader said if the Palestine-Israel war prolongs more, it will be a shameful chapter in the history of world civilization. 

The world does not want to see no more bloody conflict between Israel and Palestine, he said. 

“We do not want to see any more bloodshed in Palestine. A permanent solution between Israel and Palestine is needed now,” he said in the statement.

Mentioning that the founder of Jatiya Party Hussain Muhammad Ershad always expressed his deepest affection for the oppressed Palestinians, the Jatiya Party leader said: “At such a difficult time in the Arab world, we deeply feel the absence of the late president of Bangladesh Hussain Muhammad Ershad.” 



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