Foreign Secretary Sewa Lamsal Attended China-South Asia Co-opertaion Forum
Time:2024-07-26 13:35


SATV, Kathmandu, July 26: Nepal's Foreign Secretary, Sewa Lamsal left for Kunming,China on July 22 and attended China-South Asia Co-opertaion Forum on July 24.

Speaking as a keynote speaker, Ms. Lamsal under the theme of "Build Consensus  for Regional Developement" shedded light on the Forum's role that contributed to further tighten the ties among South Asia region for their own development. Adressing the geographical proximity and cultural similarity between Nepal and China, Ms. Lamsal mentioned that two countries need to further deepen the cooperation through trade, investment, tourism, connectivity, infrastructuure development and technology transfer. 


Ms. Lamsal also shared a meeting with His Excellency Mr. Deng Xijun, Special envoy for Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China discussing on developmental cooperation and people-to-people relations.

Foreign Secretary and the delegations participated in a reception banquet in the evening of 24th July, hosted by Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Yunnan Province.  

Foreign Secertary Ms. Lamsal was accompanied by H.E. Mr. Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, Ambassador of Nepal to People's Republic of China, Joint Secretary and Head of the North-East Asia Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Krishna Prasad Dhakal and other high-level officials from the Embassy. 



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