NHRC: Pay RMG workers before Eid
Time:2024-06-05 13:21


Chairman of Bangladesh Human Rights Commission  Kamal Uddin Ahmed on Tuesday urged garment factory owners to take necessary measures to pay the workers before Eid as no vested interest group can use the workers to worsen the law and order situation.

He made the call in a press release from the public relations department of the commission.

He said various organizations held a protest rally and march on behalf of the garment workers on behalf of the May, 2024 salary and bonus payment for Eid-ul-Azha-2024 on June 1 in front of the National Press Club.

"The commission is monitoring the situation. Every year, there are demonstrations and marches to demand salary and bonus for garment workers especially before Eid," he also said.

In this context, the National Human Rights Commission has called for ensuring fair wages to the workers on time and maintaining a peaceful environment.

The chairman said the relationship between human rights and labor rights is very close. Article 23 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, promulgated in 1948, mentions the right to just and favorable remuneration.

"We have constitutional commitments and legal obligations in this regard. It is the responsibility of every organization to ensure timely fixed wages," he added.

Saying that there is no alternative to protect labor rights and maintain a peaceful environment, he said earned wages are their only source of livelihood. In this case, not getting the due wages on time is very unfortunate.

Mentioning that the National Human Rights Commission attaches utmost importance to the protection of labor rights in Bangladesh, he said it regularly visits factories to ensure workplace safety, dignified and favorable wages and protection of overall labor rights.


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