First shipment of Rajshahi mangoes leaves for Europe
Time:2024-06-05 13:11


The first consignment of mangoes grown through “contract farming” from Bagha upazila in Rajshahi was sent to Europe on Tuesday.

A total of two tons of Khirsapati mangoes have been sent in this consignment. Out of this, one ton of mangoes will go to France and one ton to London.

Arrangements have been made to send these mangoes on behalf of industrial group Square Group.

The Bagha Upazila Agriculture Officer's office has informed that 21 farmers of Bagha upazila have signed an agreement with the exporting company to export safe mangoes abroad.

Under this agreement, mangoes have been cultivated through “Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)”. One of the criteria of this practice is to adhere to hygienic production, safety and food quality, environmental protection, cleanliness, health of agricultural workers, etc.

Healthy production involves ensuring production through proper management and use of fertilizers, irrigation, pesticide application, use of seeds and planting materials, moderate use of chemicals and management. Post-harvest storage and transportation management is part of maintaining food safety and quality. Mangoes from Bagha have been exported abroad since 2016 under this management.

On the first day of this season, 1,800kg of mangoes were sent from Sadi Enterprises, a company of farmer Shafiqul Islam of Kaligram, Bagha upazila, and 200kg of mangoes were sent from the garden of a farmer named Bidyut Hossain.

Shafiqul Islam said that two tons of mangoes were sent on the first day. Among them, 200kg belongs to a farmer named Bidyut Hossain, and the remaining mangoes belong to their organization. He said last year they exported 34 tons abroad.

Nazmul Hossain, the representative of the exporting company Square Group, said that they took two tons of mangoes from Bagha on the first day (Tuesday). The vehicle left for Dhaka with the mangoes at around 5:30pm.

Bagha Upazila Agriculture Officer Shafiullah Sultan said: “After seeing the mangoes cultivated through Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), they are giving a certificate with the mangoes from here. Then another certificate will be issued from Shyampur Packing House and Quarantine Centre in Dhaka. Then this mango will go abroad.”


Disclaimer: This article comes from South Asia Network TV Sico International Online's self-media, does not represent Sico International Online's South Asia Network TVViews and positions.。

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