Not in Lanza’s alliance: Sugeeshwara Bandara
Time:2023-07-30 14:14

Director General of the Special Projects Unit at the Presidential Secretariat, Sugeeshwara Bandara refuted reports that he is to join the political alliance of parliamentarian Nimal Lanza.

“Groups with vested interests are spreading rumours that I am going to join Nimal Lanza’s alliance. They are doing that only to achieve their own parochial agendas,” said Bandara who has also served as Private Secretary to former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

“I have already made it clear that I will not be part of anybody’s alliance. The only way out for the country is to offer the youth a chance to lead politics in Sri Lanka and if this does not happen there will be another disaster,” he said.

However Mr. Bandara added the JVP with its violent past and present capacity issues, should not be the choice. 

“People are sick and tired of the existing political parties and also their members,” declared Mr. Bandara.

“President Ranil Wickremesinghe has managed to bring a semblance of stability to the country. He should be in power till the next Presidential election. There will be anarchy and chaos otherwise,” he added. 

“The system change that this country is badly in need of can only be a reality under a stable youth leadership,” he further said.


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