Price list to be displayed from today: AICOA
Time:2023-07-05 14:48

The All Island Canteen Owners' Association (AICOA) said yesterday that they will announce the prices of all meals by today after the price reduction of domestic LP gas.

AICOA chief Asela Sampath said a list of all revised prices should be displayed in front of the shop where everyone can see them clearly.

Canteen and hotel owners should display the price list in large letters, he emphasised.

"The Trade Minister has made it compulsory to display the price list of food items where people could see it. Once the food prices are displayed people can decide which shop they can go to for a cheaper meal," he said.

While concluding the media briefing, Asela Sampath said the benefits of the LP gas price reduction will be passed on to the people today.


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