Don’t fall prey to political parties: State Minister
Time:2023-06-28 15:31

State Minister of Finance Shehan Semasinghe asked people not to fall prey to certain political parties and groups on Aswesuma since discrepancies will be corrected after the appeal process.

State Minister Semasinghe told journalists that a certain group is trying to provoke the people and create an issue on the matter. “Even some of the unions of Samurdhi officers have said they would have done a better research to determine recipients but the issue is they did not cooperate with us to do the research,” he said in this regard.

“The recipient list which was put out is not the final one and will be changed. “We should have made the cash transfer straight away without publishing the list. We did so to enable people to file complaints and to make appeals. These appeals and complaints will help us to find out the real eligible people,” he said.

“We have received 188,000 appeals and 3300 complains thus far and all these will be looked into and will be addressed,” the Minister assured.

He assured that over two million family units will receive Aswesuma including those with kidney diseases. Senior citizens and the differently abled will receive it in addition to family units.


Disclaimer: This article comes from South Asia Network TV Sico International Online's self-media, does not represent Sico International Online's South Asia Network TVViews and positions.。

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