Islami Andolon candidate warns of protest if BCC polls found questionable So far, the electoral environment seems conducive to a fair election, the hand fan symbol candidate shared
Time:2023-06-12 14:34

Islami Andolan Bangladesh's Barisal city mayoral candidate Mufti Syed Mohammad Faizul Karim

Islami Andolan Bangladesh's Barisal city mayoral candidate Mufti Syed Mohammad Faizul Karim on Monday threatened to start protests if the voting in the Barisal City Corporation (BCC) elections is not deemed fair and acceptable.

“We will not accept the polling results if the voting is not smooth, fair, neutral and acceptable. If the election becomes controversial, we will protest and go to court,” said Mufti Syed Mohammad Faizul Karim while talking with journalists after casting his vote at the Shahid Abdur Rab Serniyabat Govt Secondary School centre in the Rupatoli Housing area of the city.

“Alhamdulillah, so far, the electoral environment seems conducive to a fair election. However, it is too early to predict what will happen in the end,” he said. 

The mayor aspirant further commented: "Under the Awami League government, people could not vote in the past. At least this time, people have an environment where they can vote. It was nice to see that voters celebrating the election day as they would celebrate the Eid. If voters can exercise their franchise fairly, the hand fan symbol will get the highest votes and will be victorious.”

Voting for 30 wards of Barisal City Corporation (BCC) polls began at 8am on Monday and is currently underway amid festivity.  

The voting is taking place via electronic voting machines (EVMs) at 126 polling stations and will continue till 4pm. 

A total of 276,298 voters—137,489 men and 138, 809 women—are expected to exercise their franchise.

About 4,500 members of law enforcement agencies, 10 platoons of BGB, 30 executive magistrates, and 10 judicial magistrates are working for the polls.


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