Are you eager to see Planetary Parade in tonight's sky?
Time:2023-03-28 17:52


Five planets and the moon will be seen in a line: Mercury,Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Moon will be seen most clearly in a line in today's(Tuesday) evening sky in some parts of the world.

Five planets will line up in the western horizon after sunset, with Mercury and Jupiter disappearing in just half an hour. Only 2-3planets will be seen for a short period from Nepal. This is often called "a planetary parade" and is visible after sunset in the west. It can be seen from anywhere on earth with clear sky and a view if west.

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus and Mars — will line up near the moon.(Representation Image.)

Jupiter, Venus and Mars will all be pretty easy to see since they shine brightly, NASA astronomer Bill Cook said. "Venus will be one of the brightest things in the sky, and Mars will be hanging out near the moon with a reddish glow. Mercury and Uranus could be trickier to spot, since they will be dimmer. You'll probably need to grab a pair of binoculars" he added.

Different numbers and groups of planets line up in the sky from time to time. Last summer Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn came together in a rare planetary conjunction.There's another one in June, with a slightly different makeup.

This kind of alignment happens when the planets' orbits line them upon one side of the sun from Earth's perspective, Cooke said.

Jupiter captured traveling under the lower left of a Crescent Moon

Some parts of Nepal also could see Mars just above cresent moon in sunday and Venus just below the cresent moon on Monday just after the sunset with naked eyes.


Disclaimer: This article comes from South Asia Network TV Sico International Online's self-media, does not represent Sico International Online's South Asia Network TVViews and positions.。

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