Signboard with three languages in Rasuwagadhi trade transit point
Time:2024-07-01 16:29


July 1: The immigration office based in Rasuwagadhi has brought into use the signboard with three languages so as to ease travel of domestic and foreign tourists.   

Office chief Murari Niraula shared that the signboard has been used in Nepali, Chinese and English languages. He said that the signboard would make it easier for the tourists travelling through the area.    

According to the office, a total of 1,072 people had taken permission to go to Mansarovar, 22 to Lhasa, 40 to both Lhasa and Kailash and five to Guangzhou and other places since mid-July of the current fiscal year to this date.    

The immigration office has been keeping the passport records of those traveling as tourists and also providing permanent identity cards to the Rasuwa residents allowing to travel to Keirung. (RSS)     


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