Nepal-America International Film Festival underway in US
Time:2024-06-23 13:17


The 7th edition of the Nepal-America International Film Festival (NAIFF) is taking place at the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center and Greenbelt Cinema in Maryland. The festival began on June 20 with the screening of the Nepali film ‘Gaun Aayeko Bato,’ directed by Nabin Subba.

Afreen Akhter, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA), inaugurated the event.

According to a press release issued by the Nepal America Film Society, Akhter emphasised that cinema could bridge diverse and intercultural worlds and foster mutual respect. 

She also highlighted that filmmakers played a vital role in creating an inclusive and open society and that the US was committed to collaborating with both governments and filmmakers.

Actor Dayahang Rai and director Nabin Subba traveled to the US to attend the festival.  Actor Rai said that the Nepal-America Film Festival had significantly promoted Nepali films in the US. Following the screening of ‘Gaun Aayeko Bato,’ director Subba and actor Rai participated in a Q&A session with the audience.

The ceremony also featured a ‘Sakela’ dance performance by the Rai community.

The festival will close with a screening of ‘The Red Suitcase,’ directed by Fidel Devkota and produced by Ramakrishna Pokharel. 

Running from June 20 to 23 in Maryland, the festival will showcase 35 films, including narratives, documentaries, shorts, and animations from 11 countries, such as Nepal, America, Iran, Germany, and Pakistan. 

American diaspora artists, businesspeople, and the Nepali community attended the opening ceremony, as mentioned in the press release. 


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