India accords ceremonial reception to PM Hasina at Rashtrapati Bhavan
Time:2024-06-22 13:33


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, currently in New Delhi on a two-day state visit to India, was accorded a warm ceremonial reception by her Indian counterpart Narendra Modi at the forecourt of Rashtrapati Bhavan.

A red carpet was rolled out for PM Hasina and national anthems of Bangladesh and India were played during the ceremony.

On her arrival at the presidential palace around 9am, the Bangladesh prime minister was received by her host Modi.

A horse-mounted team of the president's bodyguards escorted her motorcade from the Rashtrapati Bhavan gate to the forecourt.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was given a guard of honour by a smartly turned-out contingent drawn from three services of the Indian Armed Forces.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina then inspected the guard and received salute.

Then the Indian prime minister introduced his cabinet colleagues to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the presentation line. The Bangladesh prime minister also introduced her entourage members to Modi.

Bangladesh's Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud, Ambassador-at-large Mohammad Ziauddin, Prime Minister’s Private Industry And Investment Adviser Salman Fazlur Rahman, state Minister For Posts, Telecommunications and ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak, State Minister For Commerce Minister Ahasanul Islam Titu and other members of her entourage were present during the ceremony.

After that, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian nation, by placing a wreath at his Samadhi in Raj Ghat.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stood in solemn silence for a while to honour the great leader of India. She also spread flower petals over the Samadhi and signed the visitor's book.

Earlier, upon her arrival, the head of the Raj Ghat Samadhi welcomed her.


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