First evaluation of IMF from September 14–24: Siyambalapitiya
Time:2023-09-12 18:48

The first evaluation of the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Comprehensive Credit Scheme will be conducted from September 14 to 24, Finance State Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya said.

He said this while speaking to the media after a programme in Yatianthota last evening.

Accordingly, the Minister stated that a group of representatives from the IMF will visit the country to inquire about the progress of the loan programme, and several rounds of discussions will be held.

The Minister also said he had made a huge effort to make the programme successful and that he would be able to face the negotiation round successfully in the face of the situation.

The final discussion will probably be held with the President, the State Minister said.

The second installment of the comprehensive loan will be received after the successful completion of the final discussion, he said. 


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