Imran’s cipher drama made Pakistan laughing stock: Biden adviser
Time:2023-07-23 13:16

Shahid Ahmed Khan says US has nothing to do with Pakistan’s internal politics  

President Biden with Shahid Ahmed Khan who has been appointed on the prestigious President’s Advisory Committee on the Arts (PACA).—reporter

President Biden with Shahid Ahmed Khan who has been appointed on the prestigious President’s Advisory Committee on the Arts (PACA).—reporter

ISLAMABAD: Adviser to the US President on Arts Shahid Ahmed Khan has said that America has nothing to do with the internal politics of Pakistan, adding that the US senators wrote a general letter regarding human rights and not for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman.

Talking to Saleem Safi in Geo News programme “Jirga”, the US president’s adviser said that if the letter of the American senators was so important, Pakistan would not have received the International Monetary Fund (IMF) assistance. He said that Imran Khan’s cipher drama made Pakistan a laughing stock in the world. He said that Pakistan is still a very important country for the US. It is not true that President Biden was ignoring Pakistan because of its relations with China.

The CPEC and Pakistan’s problems are very important to America. If infrastructure is built in Pakistan, American companies will come to invest. If China builds infrastructure in Pakistan, the US will also benefit from it. The US has created a USAID cell here to help Pakistan on CPEC.

Shahid wondered why Pakistan spoils relations with the countries and institutions where its interests are connected, adding that the IMF was not happy with the local leadership of Pakistan. He said that the IMF was also upset that the agreement made in the previous government tenure was not implemented.A cipher is a secret document that ambassadors in another country send to their country, if they speak wrongly about a country or a person, they have the right to ask for reasons.American diplomats did not even talk to the Pakistani government about this, he said.Shahid said that most of the Pakistanis living in the US are not interested in the politics there.


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