SC bench hearing military trial pleas dissolved once again on third hearing
Time:2023-06-26 13:47

Bench dissolved after govt raises objection to Justice Shah's inclusion in bench  

Seven-member Supreme Court bench formed to hear the petitions challenging the military trials of civilians. — Supreme Court website

Seven-member Supreme Court bench formed to hear the petitions challenging the military trials of civilians. — Supreme Court website

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court bench hearing the petitions filed against the trial of civilians in military courts dissolved for the second time on Monday, after the federal government raised objections against the inclusion of Justice Mansoor Ali Shah in the bench.

At the start of the hearing today — the third since last week — Attorney General for Pakistan (AGP) Mansoor Usman Awan took to the rostrum and said: "Justice Mansoor Ali Shah had asked earlier if we objected to his presence in the bench. At the time, I had said there was no objection to him."

The AGP submitted to the court that he had "been instructed [by the government] that Justice Mansoor Ali Shah should not be a part of the bench."

Justice Shah had previously informed the court that he was a relative of petitioner Khawaja and that if anyone had concerns about his inclusion to the bench, he would recuse himself.

At this, Attorney General for Pakistan Mansoor Awan said he had no reservations against his inclusion in the bench.

Moreover, the AGP's request today, prompted Chief Justice for Pakistan (CJP) Umar Ata Bandial to remark: "The bench will not be made by your will."

He then demanded to know on what basis the federal government has objected to Justice Mansoor.

The AGP responded that the objection had been raised due to a conflict of interest.


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