Poson celebrated successfully after three years: Amaraweera
Time:2023-06-04 13:53

Considering the situation in the country, after three years, the government was able to celebrate this year's Poson celebrations successfully, said Agriculture Minister Mahinda Amaraweera.

Expressing his views while participating in the exhibition of the sacred relics at the Ranna Sambuddhaloka Poson zone, Minister Amaraweera said earlier the electricity supply was disrupted for about twelve hours across the country and dansals were not held.

"It was a time when the whole country was in darkness. Fortunately, we were able to avoid that situation within a short period of one year," he said.

About 17,180 registered large scale dansals and more than 20,000 small scale dansals were held across the country on this Poson Poya day, he added.

"It is surprising to hold dansals in this way in a country that was suffering from an economic crisis, the minister said. 


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