Gallup Pakistan Survey: No reduction in use of plastic bags despite ban
Time:2023-04-09 13:23

This was revealed in the Gallup Pakistan Survey, which was participated by more than 700 respondents


Gallup Pakistan Survey: No reduction in use of plastic bags despite ban.—Twitter 

KARACHI: Despite a ban imposed on the use of plastic bags for their harmful effects on the environment, the majority of Pakistanis still see plastic bags ideal for carrying their daily-use items from the market.

This was revealed in the Gallup Pakistan Survey, which was participated by more than 700 respondents.

When questioned about the use of plastic bags, 76 percent of the respondents revealed that they used plastic bags for fetching their daily-use items from the market, 17 percent said they used fabric bags, 3 percent said they used paper bags and 2 percent said they used baskets. However, 2 percent of the respondents avoided answering the question.


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