Foreign tourists refuse to leave Simli forest
Time:2025-03-24 15:17


SATV Mar. 24 Kathmandu: Foreign nationals from 38 countries, including India, the United States, China, and Japan, have been residing illegally in the Simli jungle of Ghodaghodi Municipality-9, Kailali, despite local authorities’ directive to leave within 24 hours. 

Of the 135 foreign nations rising in the jungle illegally, only 45 have left the jungle after getting administrative instruction and 95 are still in the jungle. 

Defying the administration's instructions, they say that they will leave the land on April 2. 

The police returned empty-handed after they took a stand not to leave the forest where they were living immediately. 

The District Administration Office, Kailali, gave given directive on Thursday to leave the forest within 24 hours.

Police Inspector Dirgha Saud, Chief of the Area Police Office, Sukhad said, "A team of police went to request Illegally residing foreign nationals to leave the place after many defied formal order, however, all repeated requests have gone in vain."

He said, "We cannot use force because they are foreigners. They said they would leave on their own in a few days. Since they did not cause any damage to the community or anything else, we left them to be."

Ward Chair of Ghodaghodi Municipality -9, Harik Chandra Shah, said that the foreign nationals who had gathered in the forest had taken a stand to leave the forest only on April 2 (Chaitra 20, 2082 B.S).

Citizens of various countries reached the Simli forest for a few days under the name 'Rainbow Family Gathering'. However, they have not obtained permission from anywhere to stay in the forest after coming to Nepal on tourist visas.

According to locals, they have been performing various activities there while half-naked and continue to do so. They had assaulted a journalist a few days ago. 


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