RCSC increases GSP and ESP initial appointment period to five years
Time:2024-07-23 12:21


Government is also discussing with RSCS to regularise them

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) has increased the maximum initial appointment period for General Service Personnel (GSP) and Elementary Service Personnel (ESP) from three to five years.

Previously, GSP and ESP were appointed for a maximum of three years, with subsequent extensions granted every three years based on clean service records and performance.

Currently, there are 2,821 GSP and 3,602 ESP in the country.

During its eighth meeting last week, the Commission amended the BSCR 2023. Section, which previously stated an initial appointment period of three years, and Section (ii), which allowed for extensions of up to three years at a time with the consent of both the agency and the employee, were updated.

Now, the Commission maintains that agencies may determine the duration within the five-year limit based on the need for effective administration and management of GSP and ESP.

An official from RCSC said that extending the duration from three to five years would provide longer job security, reduce the administrative burden for those who are needed for a longer duration, and maintain the flexibility of ESP and GSP management at the agency level.

However, the official also said that the five-year contract term is dependent on the requirements of the agency, which may choose to enter into a contract agreement for less than five years.

“This change will balance administrative efficiency with effective personnel management,” said an RCSC official.

During a recent parliamentary session, Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay responded to a written question, stating that despite RCSC’s suggestion to maintain the status quo regarding the service conditions of ESP and GSP, the government was discussing with RCSC the possibility of regularising these positions.

Lyonchhen said that ESP and GSP personnel handled maximum workload.

Personnel under these categories are entitled to Provident Fund and Pension benefits, have access to bank loans, and receive annual leave and gratuity, similar to other civil servants.

However, ESP and GSP are not eligible for transfers, as they are usually recruited from the locality. They are also not eligible for promotion.

“We will explore other options and find appropriate service conditions for the employees currently serving as contract employees for ESP and GSP,” Lyonchhen said.


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