Success of 13th Plan hinges on meticulous oversight: PM
Time:2024-07-19 13:39


Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay emphasised the importance of a strong monitoring and evaluation system for the ambitious 13th Plan during its launch in Thimphu yesterday. He stated that achieving the plan’s goals requires meticulous oversight.

Lyonchhen said that while respective ministries are responsible for monitoring the implementation of their annual work plan activities, he will personally review the progress, output and outcomes, on a monthly basis, to keep track of the first year of the 13th Plan.

The review reports will also be submitted to His Majesty The King on a quarterly basis.

The 13th Plan is critical as Bhutan stands at a crossroads, Lyonchhen said. “With the plan being nearly double the size of the 12th Plan, its main focus is on achieving economic development, which will be the right path to choose. To make the country rich, people have to become rich.”

To achieve economic development, he highlighted the importance of infrastructure development, digitisation, access to electricity, and agricultural advancement.

Lyonchhen also addressed the challenges faced by farmers struggling to meet their basic needs. He emphasised the need to shift from subsistence farming to commercial farming to generate income.

He added that supporting the private sector by easing business regulations, backing the manufacturing sector, attracting foreign direct investments, and boosting tourism are crucial for economic growth.

“And community development is equally important for which we must address the quality of education across the country to ensure the youth receive a 21st-century education,” Lyonchhen said.

He also stressed the need to improve the country’s healthcare services, including addressing concerns of quality and specialisation.

He shared confidence in the 13th Plan’s success, because of the extensive consultations with various stakeholders, including ministries, agencies, the private sector, and Druk Holding and Investments, among others.

Lyonchhen plans to consult dzongdags on key areas such as economic development, agriculture, tourism, infrastructure, and education quality improvement in respective dzongkhags.

Lyonchhen expressed gratitude to the government of India for generously supporting Nu 85 billion for the 13th Plan and Nu 15 billion under the economic stimulus programme.

The government of India supported Bhutan with Nu 45 billion in the 12th Plan.

The 13th Plan, with the goal of making Bhutan a high-income GNH country by 2034, aims to increase GDP to USD 5 billion by 2029 and USD 10 billion by 2034. The plan aims to raise GDP per capita to above USD 6,174 by 2029.

The total budget for the 13th Plan is Nu 512.28 billion, a 63 percent increase from the 12th Plan.

International partners show support

During the event, India’s Ambassador to Bhutan, Sudhakar Dalela, said that the 13th Plan document captures Bhutan’s development agenda across sectors such as governance, health, education, skill development, digitisation, energy, economy, infrastructure, and private enterprise.

“Bhutan and India enjoy a unique type of friendship and cooperation. Our extraordinary partnership, spans diverse sectors, from education to economy, health, hydropower, sports to space, data and technology,” he added.

“Strong people-to-people connections and our youth linkages and deep spiritual connections are key drivers of our exemplary partnership.”

India will continue to be a steadfast and a reliable development partner of Bhutan, Sudhakar Dalela said.

The Chief Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Bhutan, Tomoyuki Yamada, said that the revised country development cooperation policy would focus on health and industrial promotion, in addition to existing assistance in agriculture and infrastructure.

He added that JICA would promote several cooperation programmes in agriculture, infrastructure, health and medical care, while working on industrial promotion, governance, environment, and disaster prevention.

Tomoyuki Yamada also shared JICA’s plans to collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MoAL) on human-wildlife conflict this year.  “This project will actively introduce Japanese experience against crop damage caused by wildlife, which will immensely contribute to improvement of productivity and income in rural areas,” he added.

Tomoyuki Yamada also said that the JICA office is in discussion with the MoAL to add value to agriculture and provide financial support to farmers.

He said that discussions are underway with Druk Green Power Corporation and Bhutan Power Corporation on two hydropower projects – Jomori and Druk Bindu.

He also outlined plans for landslide prevention measures and providing medical equipment in medical centres in eastern Bhutan.

Tomoyuki Yamada said that JICA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and GovTech, is exploring support for four digital banks- Health Bank, Medical Bank, Bio-bank, and Household Bank.

Representing the UN system in Bhutan, country director of the World Food Programme, Carrie Morrision, said that the UN will provide support through strategic priorities of the cooperation framework, which focuses on sustainable economic development, diversification, and shared prosperity.

Under these priorities of the cooperation framework, the UN in Bhutan expects to deliver more than USD 200 million in support of the 13th Plan.

Carrie Morrision said that UN will provide support towards digitisation, youth engagement and empowerment, and continued promotion of gender equality, women’s empowerment, and the rights of persons with disabilities.

The Asian Development Bank’s Country Director, Shamit Chakravarti, said that the bank has a programme of about USD 350 million in concessional assistance, excluding USD 380 million to USD 400 million in ordinary capital resources for hydropower projects over the next four years.

He added that the bank is currently working on the design of the Dagachhu reservoir hydropower project with two months of storage capacity to reduce power deficits in the winter months.

In the 13th Plan, ADB will focus on economic transformation programme, skilling programme, and ecological diversity and resilience programme.

“We would like to work on capitalising public private partnerships in the area of health diagnostics and solar power,” he said.


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