His Majesty and Gyaltsuen in Mongolia
Time:2024-07-11 13:41


The President of Mongolia, HE Khurelsukh Ukhnaa and First Lady Bolortsetseg Luvsandorj officially received Their Majesties to Mongolia in an honour guard ceremony held at Sukhbaatar Square, the heart of Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar yesterday. 

Following the Guard of Honour, Their Majesties and the President and First Lady of Mongolia  paid tribute to Chinggis Khaan, the first great Khaan of the Mongol Empire, at the central statue in the Square. 

His Majesty The King held an official meeting with the President of Mongolia in the State Ceremonial Ger, while Her Majesty separately met with the First Lady of Mongolia at the State Palace. 

His Majesty and the President of Mongolia witnessed  the signings of several Memoranda of Understanding between Bhutan and Mongolia, which are intended to strengthen relations and enhance cooperation between the two countries. 

The Speaker of the Mongolian Parliament hosted lunch for Their Majesties, which was attended by the Mongolian Foreign Minister and other officials. 

In the afternoon, Their Majesties visited the historic  Gandantegchinlen Monastery, which houses a 26m standing  statue of Chenrezi. Their Majesties, accompanied by Their Royal Highnesses Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel and Gyalsey Ugyen Wangchuck, offered prayers at the various temples of the monastery complex. 

His Majesty then visited the International Think Tank for Landlocked Countries, UN House, and met with the Executive Director of the Think Tank and Heads of International Organizations headed by the UN Resident Coordinator in Mongolia. 

In the evening, The President of Mongolia hosted a State Banquet in honour of Their Majesties.


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