Landslide kills two Jersey cows in Chhudzom
Time:2024-07-03 15:21


June 30, 3:30am: Tari, a seven-month pregnant Jersey, was killed by a landslide in Dragchhu village, Chhudzom gewog, Sarpang. She was beloved as a family member by 45-year-old Bhakti Ram Mishra and his family of eight.

This six-year-old Jersey provided the family with about 10 to 15 litres of milk daily. “We purchased her from Tsirang a year ago, and now she would cost Nu 100,000. We have been relying on her for livestock production,” says Bhakti Ram Mishra.

The milking cow was secured inside the shed, while the other four were tethered outside the barn for dunging. The diseased cattle were buried underground.

The landslide, which occurred about five metres away from his house, also killed another Jersey, leaving the family with only three Jersey cows. Another Jersey calf was rescued from the debris in the morning.

This is not all; the landslide also damaged parts of his cardamom farm, estimated to be about 40 decimals during the assessment by the Chhudzom gewog administration. The temporary bathroom outside the house was partially damaged.

“We had heard rumbling sounds, but never expected it to be a landslide,” Bhakti Ram said. It is a narrow valley, and the gewog officials suspect it occurred due to blockage caused by deforestation above their houses. There is no stream passing through the village.

The Chhudzom Gewog officials assessed the situation on the same day and reported it to the Sarpang dzongkhag administration.

Chhudzom Gewog administrative officer, Yenten Jamtsho, said the gewog administration, in consultation with the dzongkhag land surveyor, is working to propose a land exchange for the victim. “The houses are at potential risk of floods and landslides.”

“We advised households at potential risk to relocate to neighbouring areas, and cautioned others about potential flash floods and landslides,” he said, adding that gewog officials would soon assess other areas that were inaccessible due to continuous rainfall.

The gewog is also awaiting a response to the proposal to exchange lands for two households affected last year.

The recent continuous heavy rainfall in the region has also triggered a major flash flood at Tosreychhu, about one kilometre downstream from the gewog centre. Boulders were carried downstream.

The gewog centre road remains impassable due to several roadblocks in the gewog, starting from the roadpoint at Dolongang in Dekiling to the gewog centre. Parts of the blacktop are damaged, and some of the base has been washed away.

A major roadblock has been reported at the bridge after crossing Lhayul village.


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