Deothang residents call for Community Police Station
Time:2024-06-28 12:06


Deothang—Residents of Deothang in Samdrupjongkhar have seen an increase in population over the years, prompting them to advocate for the development of a community police station in their town.

They said that given its location 18 kilometres away from the Samdrupjongkhar Dzongkhag Administration and its position on the Samdrupjongkhar-Trashigang highway, a gewog-based police station (Gewog Gagdey) is deemed necessary in Deothang.

“If we get a community police station, people would get faster response times, which would contribute to reducing the crime rate in the locality,” a resident, Jamyang said.

He said that there are no reports of burglary, battery, or domestic violence cases in the town and villages as of now, but they do not feel secure. “In the absence of a community police station, police have to come all the way to Deothang, which takes about 20 minutes by vehicle from Samdrupjongkhar, to solve problems.”

Another resident, Sonam Dorji, said that among the many challenges, safety is a major concern in their community. “The establishment of a community police station can help maintain peace and tranquillity in the community and households.”

He said with a growing number of school dropouts, students of Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, and university graduates in the town, crime incidents could rise. “Moreover, the town also sees continuous visitors.”

Mother of three said there is a noticeable difference between having and not having a community police station.

“Though we do not have much crime, the presence of police personnel in the community would help deter crimes and make people adhere to laws and rules,” she said, adding many cases would go unreported because people cannot easily reach the police for help.

A business owner who does not want to be named said that the opening of a police office would make them feel confident and secure. “In the absence of a police station, people under the influence of alcohol shout during the night and create problems,”she said. “Moreover, some drivers drive recklessly, which increases the risk of accidents.”

She added that walking during night is also not safe for women and children. “Women and girls feel secure in the presence of police personnel here.”

Residents are requesting a police station not because the community has a high rate of crime, but because the presence of police makes people aware of the law. They feel that with their presence, the community would understand the rule of law. “We can rely on them when we face problems and we feel safe,”said one.

To bring police services closer to the communities, the Royal Bhutan Police (RBP) needs to consider factors such as distance, population size, and past crime rates recorded by the police.

It was learned that the Royal Bhutan Police has plan to establish a community police station at Deothang. However, they could not do so due to a lack of space.


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